Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Role of Human Resource Management Related to Sexual Harassment in t

The Role of Human Resource Management (HRM) Related to Sexual Harassment in the Hospitality Industry Chapter by chapter guide Presentation 1 The Role of Human Resource Management (HRM) identified with Sexual Harassment in Hospitality Industry 2 The Important Efforts of Human Resource Management (HRM) to Overcome Sexual Harassment in Hospitality Industry 4 Conclusion 6 References 7 Presentation â€Å"In May 2011 previous IMF boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn was captured for rape representatives in the lodging Sofitel New York† (, 2013). The statement above demonstrates an intriguing case to consider identified with inappropriate behavior in the cordiality business. An inappropriate behavior case was started when Strauss-Kahn was an overseeing executive of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) would have been captured brought about by possible that he assaulted a 32-year old lodging worker at the Sofitel Hotel in New York. As indicated by the inn representative, the occasion started when Strauss-Kahn rose up out of the washroom and out of nowhere did rape in the room at the Sofitel inn in New York's Times Square. At that point Strauss-Kahn left the lodging after the lewd behavior. Yet, a couple of hours after the fact, police captured Strauss-Kahn broadcasting in real time France flight, 10 minutes before the plane was to travel to Paris. New York’s court investigator requested Strauss-Kahn with three checks: two charges of first-degree sex offenses, one tally of first-degree endeavored assaulted and first-deg ree sexual maltreatment. At long last, the instance of inappropriate behavior made by Strauss-Kahn finished by concurring the installment of cash to inn worker at the Sofitel New York Hotel with mystery in number. This case is positively a test that must be looked by the organization because of such occasions either straightforwardly or indire... News Archives. [ONLINE] Available at: news/item.php?id=P20921_0_11_0_C. [Accessed 09 March 2013]. Sofitel Maid in Strauss-Kahn Scandal | News Archives. 2013. Sofitel Maid in Strauss-Kahn Scandal | News Archives. [ONLINE] Available at: news/item.php?id=P20921_0_11_0_C. [Accessed 09 March 2013]. Sabitha, M., (2008), â€Å"Sexual Harassment Awareness Training at Workplace: Can it impact Administrators' Perception?† JOAAG, Vol. 3(2): 1-16. Willness, C.R., Steel, P. what's more, Lee, K. (2007), â€Å"A meta-investigation of the precursors and outcomes of working environment sexual harassment†, Personnel Psychology, Vol. 60, pp. 127-62. Worsfold, P., and McCann, C., (2000), â€Å"Supervised Experience and Sexual Harassment,†International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality, Vol. 12(4): 249-255.

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